Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Guess who's back at it

So after taking a blogging hiatus I decided to make a comeback.  Not because I have demanding readers, or because the things that I post are so unbelievable that you can't live without them but because, well, why not?  So yes, you are all welcome for these words of wisdom that I'm about to drop on you.  NEVER PAY FULL PRICE.  I know what you're thinking....were the caps really necessary?Well the answer is, heck yes.  I was raised as a seeker of sales.  I cannot take credit for my savvy ways, at the risk of sounding cliche, I got it from my momma.  Now my mom may not be the coupon queen (cue Honey Boo Boo's mom), but it would be a cold day in hell before she paid full price for an item without googling a possible discount code.  When I was younger, this totally embarrassed me.  Why did my mom have to keep 900 pounds of clipped coupons in her purse at all times? Why was I not allowed to just get the damn shirt I wanted from Limited Too even though we didn't have "Too Bucks"?  Why did my mom go to 15 different stores when school supply shopping for us?  I remember my aunt saying to me "You live in this beautiful house because Mommy clips coupons."  As I got older, I began to realize that using coupons and searching for sales doesn't mean that you're poor.  At the ripe age of 22, I can happily say that in this respect I am turning into my mother.  When being a frugal fashionista one must be patient.  Yes, there are times that I am in love with something and decide to splurge despite having no discounts.  But most of the time, I take pictures of the item I want, go home, google the hell out of it, and stalk those sites for a sale so I can get two things that I love instead of one.  Listen ladies, I'm no fancy shmancy economist but it just makes good plain sense.  Why spend $75 on a pair of shoes at Lord & Taylor when you can wait 2 weeks for a sale and probably get two pairs for less than that?  Patience is a virtue that one must have if they wish to dress like they got their shit together, when really they make $10 an hour.  Keep in mind that end of season sales, aka the ones that go on in the middle of seasons like right now, are the best times to stock up on things!  For instance, if you have any semblance of a brain and think that spending $100 on a bathing suit top sounds worse than selling your liver on ebay, wait until July and spend half of that on the top AND bottom.  I think that you get the point I'm trying to make here.  So go forth and save.  May your closets be full, and your wallets be fuller.

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