Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Flats Flats Flats!

If you tell me that you're not petrified of putting away your Uggs for the season, I know you're a liar. Its almost that awkward time of year where its too warm for Uggs but too cold for sandals, WHAT DO WE DO! Well, I'll tell you what we do, we wear flats! Where do we find these oh so adorable things you ask? Get ready for it....TARGET! I know that most of us don't think about Target (or Tar-jay some of you fancier folk might call it) when you think of buying cute shoes but let me tell you ladies, start! This week at target these flats by Mossimo are on sale for $14! I haven't purchased mine yet so I cannot attest to the quality but for $14 if they last you a year, WHO CARES!  I know that most of us college students are preparing for internships and observations and face the constant struggle of needing to buy adult clothes on a college budget so this price fits perfectly!  This is one sale that I would not miss! Happy saving! :)
My favorite pair from the collection!
Dress formal without looking boring

These look very similar to a Lucky Brand pair that I saw
but who needs to pay double!

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