Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Flats Flats Flats!

If you tell me that you're not petrified of putting away your Uggs for the season, I know you're a liar. Its almost that awkward time of year where its too warm for Uggs but too cold for sandals, WHAT DO WE DO! Well, I'll tell you what we do, we wear flats! Where do we find these oh so adorable things you ask? Get ready for it....TARGET! I know that most of us don't think about Target (or Tar-jay some of you fancier folk might call it) when you think of buying cute shoes but let me tell you ladies, start! This week at target these flats by Mossimo are on sale for $14! I haven't purchased mine yet so I cannot attest to the quality but for $14 if they last you a year, WHO CARES!  I know that most of us college students are preparing for internships and observations and face the constant struggle of needing to buy adult clothes on a college budget so this price fits perfectly!  This is one sale that I would not miss! Happy saving! :)
My favorite pair from the collection!
Dress formal without looking boring

These look very similar to a Lucky Brand pair that I saw
but who needs to pay double!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sigma Brushes

So I don't know if I'm alone in this one BUT I have nightmares about buying new makeup brushes.  NOT because I don't love love love the idea of them, but because the price tags attached to these tiny tools are more than most of us can bear!! So after much back and forth in my head I finally decided to take the plunge and FINALLY get some new brushes.  It was absolutely time considering on my old brushes the bristles were starting to fall out and the paint chipping off of the handles.  So I did my research and I finally decided on Sigma brushes!! They have so much hype around them and really are not as expensive as a lot of other brushes.  I purchased the Essential Kit which has 12 brushes for eyes and face for $89.00! I know thats a big number, but considering the brushes go for about $11 individually you're getting a pretty hefty savings! AND as my valentines day gift to you savings savages, from now until February 29th, if you use the code LOVE2012 at checkout you save 10%!! And from what I understand you will receive a free gift, the gift will not show up in your cart but will be included in your shipment.  I will be sure to let you all know my opinion on these brushes as soon as I get them which I hope is SOON!! Happy Valentines Day!! xo

Monday, February 13, 2012

How to have A JUICY COUTURE Valentines Day

Good morning blog world! As the informant of sales and all things good I just wanted to let everyone know that tomorrow the site HauteLook will be having a big sale on all things Juicy Couture! Now I know that some of you are thinking, pshh Juicy Couture I can't afford that, well neither can I. BUT tomorrow starting tomorrow at 11 am Juicy clothing, sunglasses, watches, handbags, shoes and jewelry will be on sale! Usually the sales on HauteLook are up to 60% so this might be a good time to stock up on some glamorous sweats (instead of the ones you bum around the house in that have 4 holes, yes we know your secret) ! You have to sign up for the site but I promise you it is so worth it with all of the sales that they run.  They literally have something new and exciting everyday and I guarantee that you will find something you love for a price that you'll love even more! Who says you need a man to get glamorous gifts on V-Day? Treat yourself  you deserve it! Happy Shopping! xo

Valentines Day Mani

So in spirit of the mushy-gushy holiday coming up I decided to do a festive heart Mani :) sooooo simple and you can do it with pretty much any colors you want (and who among us doesn't already own pink and red polish? No need to spend more!) ! Who said to be spirited you had to pay big?? Not me! Happy Valentines Day love bugs xo